Instability of the Program Monuments of the Periphery - Wochenaufgabe 3

Inspired by former TU Berlin professor Oswald Mathias Ungers, this semester started with four Wochenaufgaben to delve into the concept of typology. Each assignment focused on a distinct theme within a limited timeframe and was paired with readings during the PiV sessions.


During Wochenaufgabe 1 (Artefacts of the Periphery), the students mapped artefacts of the Berlin periphery and distilled peripheral types. In Wochenaufgabe 2 (Betrayal of the Type), they were challenged to transgress these types by applying two operators (inverting the type and inserting a circular shape). The drawings presented here were conceived for Wochenaufgabe 3 (Instability of Program), where each transgressed type was extended with a new function without altering the original type.

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